For once, I made it over on time instead of very early. This is because I came in at 9 instead of 10. The extra hour makes a big difference in terms of being awake and fast moving. In any case, I got to work on ironing the collection of rainbow colored bridesmaid dresses (now that we have a functioning iron!) There was some difficulty in finding a good set up for ironing, because A) we don't have a real iron board, B) we thought the extension cords were not working, and C) we realized that, in fact, some of the outlets are no longer working. Once all that got settled, I started cranking on those dresses. Managed to finish all of the royal blues before lunch.
Most of the pictures came out blurry, otherwise I'd have posted more. Poor lighting in the mine!
After lunch, I ironed more. Then, around 2:30, we left for a performance being held in the Widow Jane Mine. We had some trouble finding it, and drove back and forth, finally having to stop and ask for directions. Fortunately, the performance did not begin until we were setting up our chairs, so we were not too late. Unfortunately, the performance was one that was very slow paced and of a particular style that neither Pat nor I especially cared for. However, it was a good opportunity to view the space and to learn how sound interacts with it. While Pat had early today told me that she has abandoned the mine concept, after seeing it again, she is reconsidering.
When we went to go back to the church studio, we realized that it was literally down the street from the mine. I had mistakenly taken us in a very roundabout route. Oops.
Went for a swim to refresh our creativity, as Pat felt that the performance had stifled hers.
Directionally challenged? At least you got where you wanted to be! Swimming sounds like a good refresh!